Daves Creek AMAZING Room Parents
Room Parents are VITAL to our school and PTA's success!
As a Room Parent, you act as an aide to your child's teacher when it comes to all of the fun things the kids get to experience throughout the school year. It is a great way to get to know your child's teacher and be present and involved in your child's school experience.
Teacher's needs vary from classroom to classroom:
- Some teachers just need support with getting a sign up set up (Signup Genius or Volunteer Spot make it easy) and coordinating that all those things make it to the activity. They'll give you a list of what you need.
- Some teachers allow you the freedom to come up with some great ideas to go along with the event or theme. You don't have to be crafty, just a little bit organized. It is a very fun role you can play in helping all of our children!
The key is delegating and getting your class parents involved. Most parents want to help, even the busy ones. All you have to do is ask and they are more than willing to pitch in.
If you want to get involved in your child's class, let your teacher know during Open House or within the first few weeks of school. If you have any questions about what they will need, speak with your teacher and you can even be paired up with another interested parent to do the job.
Here's a quick check list of how to get started as room parent!
Some great resources are:
If you have any questions regarding room mom information, please contact Vanitha Kowdeed at vkowdeed@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 24
District Links
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