Daves Creek PTA Committee Chairs Descriptions



Benefits of volunteering for one of these committees:

  • Ticket sales and promotional materials are done through our website so you will not be directly responsible 
  • All the events are held by PTA for many years and well documented with each step. You wont be starting from scratch and you WILL have help from the PTA Board. 
  • All contracts will be signed by a Board member and most vendor contacts have already been
  • PTA board members are assigned to each event will guide the chairs and provide any support required.
  • And of course, being part of a wonderful community to make our school great! 


If you have any questions or are interested in any of these chair positions on our Board, please contact Vanitha Kowdeed  vkowdeed@gmail.com or dcesptacommunication@gmail.com


Spirit Nights (Throughout the Year) : 1 chair position

Research, contact and confirm the restaurants for spirit nights (dates will already be set)

Make and distribute flyers for each event (we've been sending electronically via email) 


Kona Ice(Throughout the Year) : 1 chair position

Contact and confirm KONA ice for predetermined dates

Make and distribute flyers for each event (we've been sending electronically) 

Event Completed 

Farm to Table: 1 chair position

Appreciation for DCES Staff. Coordinate the needed items for the staff and help organize. 

Room Mom/Dad (Throughout the Year) : 1 per class (can be more than one to split the duties) 

be the parent coordinator for each class

email them once a month to inform of upcoming events

work with teachers to assist their needs (e.g. class parties)


Yearbook (Throughout the Year) : 2 chair position

take and collect photos of all school and pta events throughout the year

upload, sort and design yearbook (lots of computer work)


Corporate Sponsors (Throughout the Year) – 1 chair position

field any potential sponsors and coordinate any correspondences

Reach out to past sponsors and potential new sponsors

solicit donations from area businesses


Corporate Matching (August through December) – 1 chair position

Assist parents in providing any information that their HR departments may need for submitting their

corporate matching benefits

contact potential list of corporations who match


Staff Appreciation (Spring – 1 week) – 1 chair position

inform room moms of each day’s theme and make sure they know to communicate with parents in the weeks prior to collect donations

Contact, confirm and co-ordinate appreciation lunch for staff during that week

Collect and organize internal food lunch for staff during that week(parents bring in food)

Purchase gift cards for teachers

Set up snack cart and distribute for teacher


School Supply Box (Spring/Start of School) – 2 chair position

coordinate and order boxes from vendor

distribute them at Open House prior to school starting

this is an activity children can be involved too


Spirit Wear (Summer/Start of School) - 1 chair position

Be available at open house

Design the wear for spirit wear

Place orders and confirm design with vendor

Distribute and keep track of the spirit wear orders


Membership (Summer/Start of School/Fall) - 1 chair position

Be available at open house to explain membership benefits

Coordinate membership drive for start of school year

Coordinate members perks bags by collecting corporate donations over the summer in anticipation for Open House

  Event Completed

Open House

Work with Board and Spirit Wear Chair to get membership supplies etc ready for Open House

Distributing members perks bags after start of school

October/November: coordinate membership drive and prize winners per grade

 Event Completed

Health & Wellness Check (Fall) : 1 Chair

set up and coordinate vision and dental examiners (we already have the providers)

set up and coordinate volunteer schedules

arrange food for volunteers


Change drive(Late Fall or Early Spring ) : 1 Chair

Create flyers and distribute

coordinate and advertise nurse’s change drive in January

collect all the coins collected and sorted out(machine can do that)

work closely with Amanda Hughes, our school nurse, on any other needs

Event Completed 

Reflections (Late Fall) : 1 Chair

Create flyers and distribute

collect reflections entries and sort

set up panel to grade entries and submit to county

set up entries to display at PTA event

set up to distribute prizes for winners in each category


Honoring Our Heroes (Winter) : 1 Chair

Create flyers and distribute

collect essay entries and sort

set up panel to grade entries and submit to county

set up entries to display at PTA event

set up to distribute prizes for winners


Morning at The Movies (Fall) : 1 Chair

Create flyers and distribute

coordinate event by setting location and movie for event

distribute ticket on the day of event


Chalk the Walk (Spring): 1 Chair

Set up and attend Sunday event ().

Promote event

order supplies


Movie Night (Fall) : 1 Chair

Create flyers and distribute

coordinate with movie company for movie set up, field contract, movie screen rental and security for

event contact and purchase licensing for movie

coordinate and purchase food for the event and snack/beverages for stall

contact sponsors and advertisers to additional revenue and create slide show

oversee volunteers for set up and breakdown of event


Father Daughter Dance (Winter) : 1 chair position

Create flyers and distribute

coordinate location and book in advance

co-ordinate vendors and purchase for event, decorations, photographers , music DJ

coordinate necessary products, food purchases, and donations for the event

oversee volunteers for set up and breakdown of event


Mother Son Event (Winter) : 1 chair

Help coordinate location for event and book in advance

coordinate any necessary products for the event

oversee volunteers for set up and breakdown of event (minimal for this event because facility usually does it)

 Event Completed

Holiday Shop(Winter) : 1 chair position

Book the Vendor in advance

Coordinate the sign up for shopping by grade

Coordinate the sign up for volunteers

Coordinate teachers shop

Be available for during the shop time

Be available for set up and clean up(the activity will be done by vendor)


Spring Egg Hunt : 1 chair

Staff appreciation event

Help coordinate location for event and work on gathering all supplies

coordinate any necessary products for the event

Event Completed 

Winter Holiday Party : 1 chair

Organized for all the families. 

Help coordinate location and craft supplies for event and work on gathering all supplies


Dads Club: 1 Chair

Coordinate and Organize events at school and oversee monthly activities for students and staff



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Email PTA

Premium Level Sponsors




Basic Level Sponsors