DCES PTA Parents Q & A
What is a PTA?
A parent-teacher association (PTA) is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. The main role of the PTA is to build strong working relationships among parents, teachers and schools, in support of students.
What is National PTA?
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of parent involvement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education.
What is Georgia PTA?
Georgia PTA is affiliated to the National PTA and represents the state wing.
What does DCES PTA stand for?
DCES PTA stands for ‘Daves Creek Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association’. DCES PTA is affiliated to the National PTA and Georgia PTA.
Does the PTA work for the school?
No the PTA is a non-profit organization run by volunteer parents to help build a strong Daves Creek community and support our teachers, staff and students.
Why should I join DCES PTA?
The first reason to join PTA is to benefit your own child. By doing so, you will become the part of a community that helps your child and his/her school. Studies show that children succeed more when their families are involved both at home and at school. This enhances higher grades and test scores.
Do I need to do any fund raising event?
By participating in our “write a check” campaign, you will not be responsible for doing any “door to door” fundraising (i.e. selling wrapping paper, cookie dough, magazines, etc.) programs to raise the funds needed for our parent support.
How does DCES PTA use the funds?
Our top notch Blue Ribbon school needs an additional financial support in curriculum every year that is not covered by your tax dollars. Your tax deductible donation of $70/student or $130/student will allow DCES PTA to give the school what it needs. Your donations pay for items such as school chrome books, science lab supplies, Raz Kids, Study Island, Robotics supplies, author visits, and new media center and playground equipment. DCES PTA also organizes community events like ‘Movie Night’ and Chalk the Walk etc. A complete yearly budget is published on the DCES PTA website.
Do I need to join DCES PTA every academic year?
Yes. DCES PTA is an annual membership program. Please do not forget to join every academic year.
Why is it important to be a DCES PTA Volunteers?
DCES PTA Volunteers run many programs like ‘Room Mom’, ‘Reflections’, ‘Movie Night’, ‘Donuts with Dad’, ‘Father Daughter Dance’, ‘ Holiday Shop’ to mention a few. DCES PTA volunteers bring joy to the students, school and the community. For volunteer opportunities, Please check out the Volunteer tab on our site. The volunteer request is also sent as signup genius sheet thru emails from room mom’s for events.
What is a DCES PTA Board?
DCES PTA Board is run by DCES PTA volunteers who are dedicated to the core values of DCES PTA and committed to the well being of the students, school and the community. The PTA board members are selected for each academic year. More information is available at the Board tab on our website.
Can I join the DCES PTA Board?
Yes. As a DCES PTA member and active volunteer you can join the DCES PTA board. Please email the board president for interests. DCES PTA Board opportunities are also communicated to parents thru emails, DCES PTA website and monthly news letters
I am not happy with DCES PTA, what can I do?
DCES PTA is run by busy volunteer moms, dads and school staff committed to the well being of the school and students. We strive hard to bring happiness to the community. If you have complaints please send an email to dcesptacommunication@gmail.com . We will do our best to address your concerns.
I have more questions for PTA, what should I do?
Please send in your questions to dcesptacommunication@gmail.com . We will send you a response at the earliest. For informative questions, this Q&A will be also be updated with the information.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 24
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